Studying at the institute is based on credit hours and aims to graduate an engineer in the specializations mentioned in the decision to establish the institute. Where the Ministry of Higher Education grants a bachelor’s degree in engineering, in one of the fields of specialization stipulated and contained in the decision to establish the institute, which are:-
Explanation of the "credit hours" system
The credit hour system is a study system that has been applied at the present time in Europe and America for a while. It has been applied in many colleges and engineering institutes after it has proven its superiority over the two-semester system, and it depends on the following:
Does this mean that the student has absolute freedom to choose between the courses he studies?
Of course, the student does not have absolute freedom, for example, it is not permissible for the student to choose the subject “Physics 2”, which is a “Physics 1” lesson and he did not succeed in it, and this means that each subject has the subject eligible to study and succeed in it, and the eligible subject is the subjects that must be studied before Register an item. Where he writes in front of each subject in the eligible subject field (in the student guide) the subjects that the student must study before studying that subject. Code "PHY 001", for example, and there are some courses that have more than one prerequisite.
How do I register these materials?
For each group of students, there is an academic supervisor responsible for them and for their registration of courses, and the academic supervisor is a faculty member who guides the student to the courses he registers during the semester. The registration is done electronically through the Ibn Al-Haytham program of the institute.